Import Power Data: Digital Water begins by importing a customer’s historical power data (kW), also known as “interval data,” into our data ingestion engine. This data is typically provided in xml or csv format.
Import Cost Data: We then apply the customer tariff to the interval data (1) to visually map usage information over time to evaluate consumption and (2) to reconcile against actual utility tariffs to ensure accuracy.
Overlay Operating Data: Once interval data and the actual cost of power consumption are in the tool, we utilize historical operating data — including dissolved oxygen (DO), ORP, Ammonia (NH3), and more — and overlay it with energy consumption and cost. We utilize any key operating metrics that are relevant to evaluate how energy is consumed in the context of operational data.
Analyze and Provide Suggestions: With all of this rich data now on one platform, we run analytics to create “what if” solutions for customers. For example, the tool can answer questions like, “What if we reduced our kW demand by X? How much could we save and what assets will help us reach that goal?” Our team will set up a customized demonstration using your data in the Digital Water platform to help you visualize the long-term value.
Maximize Savings and Efficiencies: Our last step is to continue refining and adjusting parameters at a granular level in order to meet specific customer goals. Our team of consultants provides ongoing support to enable full utilization of the Digital Water platform and maximum financial impact.